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    Wednesday, August 03, 2005

    Lowe pulls a Lance Armstrong

    Derek and Trinka Lowe 6-27-04

    After winning the World Series and getting paid Lowe has decided to leave his wife and kids to sleep with a minor celebrity. Carolyn Hughes, a Fox Sport Net West TV anchor, and Derek Lowe now live together according to the Boston Heralds' Inside Track. Trinka Lowe apparently told Inside Track "reporters" about the story and she is very upset with it.

    This is definitely the worst time of my life, I don't even know how to describe it. I still love him. He's still the father of our children." --Trinka Lowe

    Lowe if you are going to cheat on your wife in front of the nation you at least have to go national. Come on? A local Fox Sports Net reporter?

    Hughes who has been rumored to be in the very least be flirtatious with other Dodgers and was said to be pursuing Lowe from the beginning of spring training. Hughes' husband, Tom Saboni, left her this spring after he saw his free loving wife and Lowe together. There are unconfirmed reports that Lowe instructed the HR people in the Dodger organization to stop depositing his paychecks into a joint account with his wife Trinka. Trinka has since moved back to their off season home in Ft Myers Florida.

    Lowe and Hughes 2005

    Full Story


    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    What a dirt bag !!

    5:10 PM, August 03, 2005  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hang in there Trinka, You're probably better off....What a dirt bag !!

    5:12 PM, August 03, 2005  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I don't blame Lowe at all. Carolyn Hughes is not just a pretty face, she is downright beautiful. She's very popular in the LA media market and I expect her to go national soon. Who knows with this attention maybe Playboy??

    3:54 AM, August 06, 2005  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Trinka Hun... get rid of that buttcrack husband... run while you can... I met him last year with the sox and he was a nice man, but once a cheater always a cheater. take the kids and move away... Find yourself a real man... I'll hook you up girl...

    10:51 PM, August 06, 2005  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    All its gonna take is some attention from another man, to turn his head back around.Trust me on this one, and if not, you will get a very sizable alimony...
    Make his suffer, pamper yourself, and get out there and make him pay to play!

    3:48 PM, August 10, 2005  

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