...there really isn't any. One year ago in the wake of A-Rod being snatched up by the Evil Empire the Red Sox and Yankees were set to meet for a Spring Training game. The first game since Grady Little was fired for leaving Pedro Martinez in one inning too long. The first game since Red Sox fans took one more step toward believing The Curse really did exist. Never has there been so much hype surrounding a preseason game ever. Tickets were on sale on Ebay for over a thousand dollars a piece, the New York Times sent three reporters down to cover a game in which the starters would be playing about three innings in. It had all the billing of Game 8 of the ALCS. This year in the wake of the Yankees making a historic choke and the Red Sox breaking any said to be curse, the Sox and Yankees will square off tonight for the first time since the ALCS. The game is at night and broadcast on NESN, but that is where the ridiculousness stops. The way it should be, don't worry it will all start up again in just 27 days.
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