
He has missed all 57 games this year, and he had hoped his returned would be a spark for the struggling club. But Nomar was No help on June the 9th. Garciaparra went 1 for 2 and left one on base, only Damon was able to get a run across the plate, but by then it was much too late trailing 7 to 1 in the 8th inning. Arroyo was saddled with the loss even though he only gave up 1 earned run. Wakefield came on and offered no relief giving up 2 more runs (not earned). The story of the night was the rain delay, it was one of those games that could have been official and long enough to be called at the start of the 2+ hour rain delay. However, the eternally optimistic sox fan in you hopes for some late night magic that rarely happens so the umpires allowed the delay and you sit and stay and expect a miracle. Kind of like spending a hundred dollars on a striper near closing time. You quickly realize that you should have left several hours ago when the thought first crossed your mind. Oh well, this is Red Sox country, there is always tomorrow, or is it next year, and Nixon should be back next week or is it next year?
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