BK keeping it on the DL

"He is OK," Red Sox spokesmen Geffner said. "He is not hurt. He is going to see a doctor in Korea who is going to help him realign his muscular balance."
What the hell does that mean? Are you f-ing kidding me? The Sox don't miss his mediocre pitching, or his boy band attitude, but it would be nice to know when he will be back in the United States.
He was scheduled for treatment up until his return to Boston, but the media has appeared to interfere with his schedule. Last Friday, LeeÂs second day back in Korea, the media-shy Kim had to turn his car around in front of the hospital, overwhelmed by a herd of journalists waiting for him.
The Sox do however miss his money they gave him, in the off season the sox poneyed up 10 million dollars over two years for this "phenom". A decision that doesn't look to be a brilliant one but who knows; maybe once he gets his muscle balance realigned and his ego rotated he will regain his lost fast ball and pitch really well long time.
Korean Times story
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