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    Sunday, September 19, 2004

    Pedro The Stopper... ER Starter

    Pedro has been a stopper a few times in his life. In 1999 he stopped losing streaks faster than a fat person driving by a chili fest. Unfortunately this year the only stopping he has done has been stopping winning streaks. Fortunately that can't happen today, so with any luck he will become a "starter"?
    I'm not a stopper, I'm not anything. I'm just a player trying to earn his living and do his job."
    Tough living it is getting a million dollars a win. Hey Johnny Damon can Pedro win today?
    "Petey has been throwing the ball great. Hopefully the bats show up and show up early and we score a couple of runs, and hopefully we can keep on scoring. I think that's the key. Whoever scores, they need to keep on scoring. We have a team that can do that and it starts with me [Sunday]."
    The good news is that every time the sox have gotten beaten up, shelled, and shut out or nearly shut out, they come back the next day and put a whopin on somebody. Pedro say something profound.
    Every game is a challenge," said Martinez. "People want to beat you, you try and beat them."
    Thanks Petey, see you at 1.
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