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    Saturday, September 25, 2004

    Dead Man Walking

    NY Yankees 0020010216110

    The Sox lost their long shot chances of winning the AL East last night, as Pedro may have pitched his last home game in Fenway ever. Thanks Pete. Where is Jimmy Williams to pull him out to early when you need him? But like last year it wasn't the manager that gave up the runs, it was Pedro. Pedro, whos' your daddty?
    "What can I say -- just tip my hat and call the Yankees my daddy," Martinez said. "I can't find a way to beat them at this point. ... They're that good. They're that hot right now -- at least against me. I wish they would disappear and not come back."

    No one wants to blame the person who use to be the best pitcher in baseball, they want to blame the manager for leaving fragile Pete in their in the 8th inning. Come on? The eight inning?
    "If I run out there after two pitches ... it would make it look like I wasn't making a very good decision before the inning," Francona said. "We put a lot of thought into what we're doing. I was disappointed it was a tie game instead of having a one-run lead, but two pitches into the inning he's still, in my opinion, he's OK."
    Boston Red Sox
    Pedro Martinez (L,16-8) 7.1955251 3.78

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