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    Friday, May 19, 2006


    (Photo by Nick Laham/Getty Images)

    When David Ortiz joined the Red Sox in 2003 he was ready to compete with Millar, Hillenbrand, and McCarty for the full time firstbase position. When it was all said and done he started 44 games at first with 3 errors. Highly serviceable defensive play for a man of his size, but alas it made more sense for Millar and McCarty to play first and Ortiz to move to the DH spot and earn his title of Big Papi. Fast forward to 2006 and Ortiz is less excited about going back to the field.

    I'm not looking forward to it. I have to. No choice. I'll handle it." -- David Ortiz

    Ortiz went on to say that he doesn't mind playing the field because it allows him to look around and talk to people.

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